Stolen Instrument

United Kingdom
Posted: 05 Dec 2014
Getzen 4147IB Tenor Trombone
Stolen: 05 Dec 2014 - Was last seen in Willesden Green at ~7:00 am on the 4th of December, 2014 - St. Paul's Avenue, Willesden Green, London
Was very naïvely left unattended in the wee small hours of the morning for ~5 minutes accompanied by a duffel bag filled with my clothes and several unwrapped gifts for my niece and other family members. Inside the case is a request form for HM Revenue which includes my name, details, and purchase information from Prozone music, though if it was stolen the thief will have likely removed this evidence.
Description of Instrument:
A very new Getzen Bousfield model trombone in excellent condition with some lacquer wear where I hold the trombone and a neotech hand support fixed on it. The trombone is in a large 'the tank' aluminium, foam lined flight case. The bell has an ID indicating that it is ~42nd 4147IB produced (Something like IB042 *I THINK*) There is a Griego 3.5 Nouveau mouthpiece and a Griego CS5 mouthpiece in the case.
Quinn Parker
Tel: 07570116080
Tel: 07570116080
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