Stolen Instrument

United States
Posted: 28 Nov 2021
2015 Gibson ES-335
Stolen: 21 Nov 2021 - 2:00am - San Francisco
Description of Instrument:
Hey San Francisco, my band played a show at DNA Lounge last weekend 11/20/21 & my guitar has been missing since. It’s not at the venue & none of the bands we played with have it. This is my main baby, I have invested a lot in it & written many a song/parts with it, she’s my window of expression & I’m pretty bummed to not have her. Can y’all please send good vibes, spread the word & maybe check the local pawn shops/musical instrument stores for me? There will be a reward for anyone that helps locate it, no questions asked! She’s a 2015 Gibson ES-335 sunburst, S/N: 13015743 with upgraded Kluson locking tuners & Gibson Lyre Vibrola vibrato system. Anything helps! ????????????????????????
Mario Garcia
Tel: 3235343792
Tel: 3235343792
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