
掲載日: 20 Oct 2012
clarinet and taragot
Stolen: 07 Oct 2012 - between 8 and 10 pm - amsterdam, outside azartplein 47
About the robbery: blue mercedes van got broken into on Azartplein in Amsterdam 7 October 2012 between 8 and 10 pm.
Dear reader,
Your help would be wonderful. Befriended musicians got robbed and I hope we can find back their instruments together. The Ukrainian band Hudaki played in the Netherlands. On their last evening, their van got broken into in Amsterdam. Olga’s bag with laptop and Yura’s instruments were stolen (a clarinet and taragot).
Could you please keep an eye out for the instruments and other belongings? If you have ideas about where the instruments could surface, please please let me know. What would you do in case instruments got stolen? Where to look? Who to ask? Where to reach clarinet players who know about stuff? All clues are welcome. Also if you would like to forward this message or search yourself I would be very grateful. Reward 1000euro + a concert. I hope we can help Hudaki. A clarinet and taragot shouldn’t go missing. warm regards & music, saskia
Stolen were
• a clarinet. B-Klarinette, German system. Make: Willy Bauer, Leipzig, Serial number 2031. Approx. 50 years old
• a taragot. Make: Stowasser in Budapest, Serial number 11565 . Built around 1930.
(the instruments are together in a dark brown leather case)
and email me for additional serial numbers etc!
Tel: +31619354258
Tel: +31619354258
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