
掲載日: 24 Feb 2017
Used / Vintage Martin Handcraft Dasant #53037 Small tenor trombone
Stolen: 21 Feb 2017 - around 9pm - Bushwick, East Williamsburg , Brooklyn, New York
Stolen from downstairs in my apt building after post office dropped off downstairs in Bushwick aka East Williamsburg Brooklyn , New York on February 21st ,2017 in the late evening . I just bought it to learn to play a bit of trombone . I will issue reward to whoever returns it to me no questions asked !
Nice Martin trombone silver plated in good shape with a couple of dings, case was taped or original case material was coming off in the exterior of the case of the bell area. Case was original and had Handcraft Martin emblem. There was also mouthpiece possibly original and lyre. Please see photos including serial number .
Mark S.
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