
掲載日: 17 Dec 2015

4/4 Viola, ~2003 finished by Clas Reimers
Stolen: 16 Dec 2015 - ~ 11:50 am - In a S1 Train from Frankfurt Höchst to Ober-Roden
The lost--property-office has confirmed that they found no instrument in the train. Which means that it has left the train within 30 minutes after the departure in Höchst.
my 4/4 Viola (approx. 2003) is missing.
It has gone missing yesterday morning while travelling with the S1 in Frankfurt (FFM).
Despite it being a 4/4, it is relatively small. The brigde bears a signature by Clas Reimers (http://www.reimers-geigenbau.de/)
The varnish is just starting to lose its shine (light chestnut red). Also, it is stringed with obligatos. The chinrest is black and the tuning pegs are wooden with a little black knob on them.
The bow is looking like your typical average wooden bow with a pastille, but the pad is moveable.
The viola case is black and worn down. Inside you can find a special cloth for cleaning (beige) and deep blue velvet cover.
I am already missing my instrument and would be glad if anyone who sees it could help me find it.
Regards and best luck to all on this site,
R Jung
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