
掲載日: 04 Aug 2013

2000 Peter Prier & Sons 1 4/4 Firenza Violin and 2004 Galt String Gallery GS Bow in black nylon case
Stolen: 04 Jul 2013 - between 11am - 12pm - Columbia Heights, DC or Arlington, VA
The violin was in a black nylon carry case and was taken, along with a bag a ski gear (boots and helmet) from the back of our car during moving. It was either taken from 2400 16th St. NW in DC or from 1575 N Colonial Terrace in Arlington, VA. This instrument is of tremendous sentimental value and a substantial award is being offered no questions asked for its recovery. Any information or advice for finding stolen instruments would also be tremendously helpful. Thank you all!
We bought the violin in 2000 from Peter Prier & Sons Violins, Luthier, in Salt Lake City. I don't know if their name is on it. The receipt says: "1 Firenza 4/4 Box Wood Violin". The bow is from Galt String Gallery in Billings in 2004. The receipt just says: "G.S. Violin Bow."
Logan Rhyne
Tel: 6145303625
Tel: 6145303625
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