
掲載日: 19 Oct 2021

Paxman 20 stolen from a pub in South Kensington, London between 7 and 8pm on Monday 18th October

Stolen: 18 Oct 2021 - Around 19:45 - Zetland Arms pub and area around South Kensington tube station

It is likely to be been seen in the possession of two males. The case is padlocked but has a label with my name and contact info (although I have no way of telling if the thief has removed these by this point). Any help in locating this would be very much appreciated!
Paxman 20L double horn (serial no. 3558T) in a black Marcus Bonna Baby 2 case (similar to picture but with a Paxman logo rather than the MB).
Henry Wright
Tel: 07749644404

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