
掲載日: 11 Mar 2025


Jozef Kreutzer Brunensis master Czech violine. With certificate of authencity

価格: 4500
osef Kreutzer.
It is a 4/4 master violin, vignette by Jozef Kreutzer Brunensis anno 1967.
The violin by oil varnish. models of Guarneri
!!! A certificate of authenticity is provided.

The upper spruce board is halved with a medium density of years.
The bottom plate is made of one piece of regularly cut maple, the sides and neck are made of the same material.
The violin has a orange - brown oil varnish is of good quality that is applied in a thick layer of .This violin extremely minor cosmetic blemishes. nothing that affects its performances see picture.

Labeled: Upper width -17 cm
Width- 11,4cm
Bottom width - 21cm
Board length- 35.8cm
Scale 13 - 19.5cm
Heel height-30-30.5mm
Please state your identity and integrity for verification before continuing with the sales discussion
Well thank you
Certification: The certificate was made by Mr Ivan Švycarsky Prag - Czech Republic which confirms the realism of the violin.master . Ivan Švycarsky Prag Cech Republik
Certification: n/a
Z. S.

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