Performance Job

Nishinomiya, 日本
掲載日: 26 Oct 2024
Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra

Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra


The Qualified Core Member will be engaged in orchestra activities between September 1, 2025, and August 31, 2026. Under the contract terms, the contract can be renewed annually up to August 31, 2028.

The compensation based upon the contract agreement is 3,600,000JPYen, pre-tax (approximately US$ 25.132, € 22,615)* per year. A transportation fee will be paid according to the organization's stipulation. Audition Grant will also be available for qualified Core Members. Please visit our website for details.

* Exchange rate of US$1=¥143.24, €1=¥159.18 (as of September 6, 2024) is applied for calculation.
締め切り日: 28 Jan 2025
Start date: 9月 2025
詳細情報/How to apply:
Audition Details
View institution profile
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