
Château -d Oex, スイス
掲載日: 07 Oct 2024
Rencontres Musicales Alberto Lysy

Rencontres Musicales Alberto Lysy

15 - 23 Feb, 2025

Advanced level students are invited to join our tuition-free masterclass. Set in Château-d'Oex in the Swiss Alps, the «Rencontres Musicales Alberto Lysy» is aimed at talented and young (16-26) violinists, violists and cellists. Possibility to work on solo, chamber music and orchestra excerpts repertoire and the opportunity to perform in a concert in the Temple of Château-d’Oex. The accommodation in chalets of 5 to 6 students will be organised and paid for, a certificate of participation will be given.

Faculty: Violin: Adelina Oprean -professor, Basel Music Academy Igor Keller -concertmaster, St.Gallen Symphony Orchestra and former member of the Amar Quartet Viola: Silvia Simionescu -professor, Basel Music Academy and violist of the Gringolts Quartet Cello: Pablo de Naverán -professor, International Menuhin Music Academy

Admission fees: 300chf Free tuition (5 lessons) and lodging. More info at:
締め切り日: 25 Nov 2024
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