
Belgrade, セルビア
掲載日: 14 Jun 2024
Belgrade Baroque Academy: Giulio Cesare (on period instruments)

Belgrade Baroque Academy: Giulio Cesare (on period instruments)

06 - 15 Sep, 2024

Belgrade Baroque Academy is thrilled to announce its exciting project for September 2024 – G.F. Handel's most famous opera, "Giulio Cesare in Egitto".

The 23rd Academy will be held from 6-15 September 2024, with two semi-staged performances planned for 14 and 15 September, in conjunction with the Belgrade Early Music Festival.

We seek talented singers for all roles (Giulio Cesare, Cleopatra, Cornelia, Sesto, Tolomeo, Achilla) and skilled baroque instrumentalists.

This is a unique opportunity for singers to learn their roles with the support of distinguished experts, including music director & coach Predrag Gosta (UK/USA), vocal coach Sonia Prina (Italy), baroque violinist Adrian Butterfield (UK), and others. Instrumentalists will have the chance to be coached by and perform alongside award-winning period instrument ensemble, New Trinity Baroque.

Tuition Fee: £500-1000, with scholarships available. We invite young passionate advanced singers and instrumentalists to apply.
締め切り日: n/a
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