
Konz, ドイツ
掲載日: 14 May 2024
30th International Meisterakademie in Chamber Music 2024

30th International Meisterakademie in Chamber Music 2024

29 Aug - 08 Sep, 2024

Music enjoyment at highest level
based in the picturesques "Grands Region" of GER, LUX, FR, BE for young talended musicians & groups.
Performing in 3 concerts as integral part of the official Konz Musik Festival.

Violin – ELISABETH PERRY (UK) – Prof. Violin &
Chamber Music HKU Utrecht
Viola – RICHARD WOLFE (NL/USA) – Prof. Viola HKU Utrecht
& Amsterdam Conservatorium.
Violoncello – NIALL BROWN (UK) - Co-principal cellist, Orchestre
Philharmonique du LUX, former member of Australian
String Quartet
Piano – ISABELLE TRÜB (CH) - Prof. Collaborative Piano,
Conservatoire de la ville de LUX

JOSEPH MOOG (DE), Concert Pianist, Grammy Nominee
BARBICAN QUARTET, Winner ARD Competition, Munich

Limited field of participants exclusively by invitation after application. Fixed ensembles can apply as a group.
Accademy Fee 450€ incl. instruction, accomm./beakfast in host families, daily lunch/tea/coffee, transport & free attendance to festival events

締め切り日: 01 Aug 2024
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