Performance Job

Stockholm, Sweden
Posted: 03 Sep 2024
The Swedish Wind Ensemble

The Swedish Wind Ensemble


The position is a permanent employment at 50% with a 6-month probationary period according to agreement. The audition will take place on November 5–6 after a personal invitation.

Applications with CV should be sent no later than September 30, 2024, to

Location: Sickla/Järnvägsgatan 17, Nacka

November 5:

Round 1: R.V. Williams Tuba Concerto, 1st movement, Blazhevich Solo Etude in C, and orchestral excerpts
Round 2: R.V. Williams Tuba Concerto, 2nd movement, and orchestral excerpts
Round 3: Section performance with tuba/trombone section + ensemble playing

November 6:

Round 4: Orchestra audition
The audition material will be sent out on October 4, along with the personal invitation.

More information:
About the position: Klas Sjöblom, CEO,
Union representative: Magnus Olsson, SYMF,

We look forward to receiving your application!
Closing date: 30 Sep 2024
More details/How to apply:
For more information
View institution profile
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