Performance Job

United Kingdom
Derby, United Kingdom
Posted: 07 Jun 2024
Sinfonia Viva

Sinfonia Viva

Section Principal Bassoon

Core Member - Section Principal Bassoon

We are seeking to appoint an outstanding and flexible musician, who is able to contribute fully to all aspects of Sinfonia Viva’s work, including our creative projects programme.

Core members of Sinfonia Viva will be engaged to work across the full spectrum of our activity, including orchestral and chamber music performances, form part of small ensembles for community sharing events and have opportunities to work as support musicians on our creative projects. Working with groups in educational and community settings is a central component of Sinfonia Viva’s mission, and we strongly encourage applicants who have an interest and/or experience in this area.
Closing date: 18 Jul 2024 22:59 GMT
Apply via musicalchairs
More details:
Application Pack - Section Principal Bassoon (pdf)
Digital Submission extracts - Section Principal Bassoon (pdf)
View institution profile
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