Teaching Job

Regno Unito
London, Regno Unito
Pubb: 21 Oct 2024
St Paul's School

St Paul's School

Self-employed Visiting Music Teacher – Singing

Commencing January 2025

A space has become available for a Visiting Music Teacher (Singing) to use the facilities at St Paul’s Juniors (SPJ).

Visiting Music Teachers (VMTs) are self-employed and the contract for provision of lessons is between parents and the VMT. VMT Service Agreements and arrangements for instrumental lessons are managed by the Music School Manager (MSM) who acts as an agent in making the contractual arrangements with parents.

There is currently one day of teaching available. The current teaching rate is £35.77 per 35-minute lesson. If you have any questions about the vacancy, please contact Izzy, Music School Manager at IH@stpaulsschool.org.uk.

To express your interest in the contract for Use of Facilities, please complete an ‘Application for Service Agreement Form’ which can be downloaded from the School’s website at https://www.stpaulsschool.org.uk/about-st-pauls/work-with-us/ or requested by email from recruitment@stpaulsschool.org.uk.

The closing date for all applications is 9am Monday 28 October 2024
Interviews will take place on Wednesday 6 November 2024.
scadenza: 28 Oct 2024
Start date: gennaio 2025
Più informazioni/How to apply:
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