School of lorenzo Ventapane 1820c Naples

Pubb: 11 Dec 2015

School of lorenzo Ventapane 1820c Naples

Stolen: 05 Dec 2015 - 14.00-22.00 - Naples,Italy

Descrizione dello strumento:
The back in one piece of attractively figured maple cut on the slab and with irregular flames running horrizontally.The sides of similar wood,three cut on the slab and three on the quarter.The scroll also similar.The table in two pieces of spruce,each with broader grains to the left,the varnish of a pale orange-brown colour. The violin is characertistic of early 19th centuary Neapolitan work,and measures 34.8cm in length of body,with widths of 16.5cm and 20.2cm.
rachel constable

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