Strumento Rubato

Stati Uniti
Pubb: 04 Aug 2013

2000 Peter Prier & Sons 1 4/4 Firenza Violin and 2004 Galt String Gallery GS Bow in black nylon case
Stolen: 04 Jul 2013 - between 11am - 12pm - Columbia Heights, DC or Arlington, VA
The violin was in a black nylon carry case and was taken, along with a bag a ski gear (boots and helmet) from the back of our car during moving. It was either taken from 2400 16th St. NW in DC or from 1575 N Colonial Terrace in Arlington, VA. This instrument is of tremendous sentimental value and a substantial award is being offered no questions asked for its recovery. Any information or advice for finding stolen instruments would also be tremendously helpful. Thank you all!
Descrizione dello strumento:
We bought the violin in 2000 from Peter Prier & Sons Violins, Luthier, in Salt Lake City. I don't know if their name is on it. The receipt says: "1 Firenza 4/4 Box Wood Violin". The bow is from Galt String Gallery in Billings in 2004. The receipt just says: "G.S. Violin Bow."
Logan Rhyne
Tel: 6145303625
Tel: 6145303625
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