Strumento Rubato

Stati Uniti
Pubb: 03 Apr 2021
Martin 00015M
Stolen: 30 Mar 2021 - 11AM-4PM - Orland
It was sold on reverb, and the receiver of the package did not get the guitar. Instead, they got a small box with the original shipping label taped to it.
So it must have been stolen along the path of transit with UPS. My best guess is that a UPS driver stole it since it looked like they had taken the time to rip the label off and tape it to a small box nicely. It could have also been likely that the receiver tried to scam me, but it seems unlikely due to them having a good and long track record on reverbs site.
Unfortunately, i did not get insurance for shipping (a mistake i will never make again) and UPS was not much help in this instance. I'd really appreciate any help. I was really counting on the money from my sale and I just ended up with a stolen guitar.
Descrizione dello strumento:
martin 00015M with original case and the original shipping box, with 'Fragile Stickers on it (I have photos)
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