Strumento in Vendita

Pubb: 28 Oct 2024


Cello, Gioannes Volturar, 2014

Prezzo: 6500 €
A 4/4 cello, made by the luthier Gioannes Volturar, in 2014.

The cello easily accepts your feelings and help you express them to the audience. It has a great sound spectrum, with deep, pronounced nuances.

It has been looked after by the luthier yearly. Carefull inspection was made this summer together with the exchange of all strings - Larsen.

Cello is based in Slovenia. If necessary, I will send it to you in the black suitcase on the photo.

I will be pleased for someone to enjoy playing on this instrument.

If you might be interested, do not hesitate to contact.
Certification: n/a
Luka Korošec
Tel: +386 40 345 282

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