Offerta di lavoro - Spettacolo

Haderslev, Danimarca
Pubb: 28 Mar 2025
Slesvigske Musikkorps

Slesvigske Musikkorps

3. cornet / Flugelhorn

(a tempo pieno, a tempo indeterminato)
Permanent position on 3. cornet and Flugelhorn in the royal danish army band, Schleswig Music Corps (Slesvigske Musikkorps)

First round rep. =
Alexandre Luigini (Op.60): Caprice pour Cornet a Pistons (Bb cornet)
Joseph Turrin: Psalm fra Two portraits from start to meassure 105 (flygelhorn)
Erroll Garner: Misty - jazz standard (flygelhorn)
scadenza: 14 Apr 2025
Start date: agosto 2025
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Application link
List of nationalities who can apply in the danish defence. (pdf)
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