Offerta di lavoro - Spettacolo

Stati Uniti
Roanoke, VA, Stati Uniti
Pubb: 12 Mar 2025
Roanoke Symphony Orchestra

Roanoke Symphony Orchestra

Principal Bass

(per sessione)
The RSO is a professional per-service orchestra offering travel reimbursement and hotel accommodations.
2024-2025 season per service fees are as follows:
Principals - $120.75 per service
Assistant Principals - $110.25 per service
Section - $99.75 per service

Please follow the link to the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra website to complete the application.
scadenza: 21 Apr 2025
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Audition Application
Principal Bass Audition Announcement (pdf)
Visualizza profilo dell'istituzione
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