Offerta di lavoro - Spettacolo

Birmingham, AL, Stati Uniti
Pubb: 11 Mar 2025
Alabama Symphony Orchestra
Section Percussion, Tenure Track
Audition Dates: May 12 & 13, 2025
2025/26 salary: $41,850.00
Employment to begin September 2025.
Benefits include 100% individual medical insurance, disability, instrument insurance, and pension contribution to AFM-EPF.
Resume and deposit postmark deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025
Repertoire List Linked Below
Qualified applicants please mail a one-page résumé including name, instrument, E-mail address, phone number, and a deposit check for $50.00 to:
ATTN: (position you seek) Audition
Alabama Symphony Orchestra
3621 Sixth Avenue South
Birmingham, AL, 35222
Electronic (E-mailed) résumés may be sent to, while mailed $50.00 Deposit Check is still required.
Please direct any questions to Erica Howard:
The Audition Committee reserves the right to dismiss immediately any candidate not meeting the highest artistic standards.
2025/26 salary: $41,850.00
Employment to begin September 2025.
Benefits include 100% individual medical insurance, disability, instrument insurance, and pension contribution to AFM-EPF.
Resume and deposit postmark deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025
Repertoire List Linked Below
Qualified applicants please mail a one-page résumé including name, instrument, E-mail address, phone number, and a deposit check for $50.00 to:
ATTN: (position you seek) Audition
Alabama Symphony Orchestra
3621 Sixth Avenue South
Birmingham, AL, 35222
Electronic (E-mailed) résumés may be sent to, while mailed $50.00 Deposit Check is still required.
Please direct any questions to Erica Howard:
The Audition Committee reserves the right to dismiss immediately any candidate not meeting the highest artistic standards.
scadenza: 18 Apr 2025
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Whilst musicalchairs makes every effort to ensure that the information listed IS accurate, fair AND genuine, we cannot take responsibility if it transpires that an advert has misled.