Offerta di lavoro - Spettacolo

Paris, Francia
Pubb: 23 Dec 2024
Insula camerata

Insula camerata

Oboe - Insula camerata

(apprendistato / accademico)
Insula camerata , created by Insula orchestra, is a professional integration academy on period instruments offering you the opportunity to perfect your artistic skills and engage in professional orchestral practice at the highest standards of excellence.

We are recruiting young instrumentalists who:

- have graduated or are about to graduate from recognized European conservatories or renowned international music schools;

- were born after August 31, 1995, and will be at least 18 years old by September 1, 2025;

- have already significant experience in playing on period instruments.

Over two seasons, 2025-26 and 2026-27, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the mentorship of Insula orchestra musicians and perform concerts alongside them, as well as part of the ensemble Insula camerata at La Seine Musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris) and on tours in France and abroad.

- a double-orchestra cycle featuring Beethoven's Symphonies No. 3, 5, 7, and 9, performed and recorded with Insula orchestra;

- Baroque productions as part of Insula camerata ensemble;

- involvement on cultural mediation practice;

- career development opportunities and ongoing musical and professional support for the fellows, with long-term follow-up.

Remuneration in accordance with the French collective bargaining agreement.


Analysis of video recordings and CVs.

In-person auditions for shortlisted candidates in Paris, New York, and two other cities in Europe.


Activities begin at La Seine Musicale, France, in September 2025.
scadenza: 07 Feb 2025
Start date: settembre 2025
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Insula camerata - Professional Development Academy
Insula camerata - Académie d'insertion prof. FR
Ínsula Camerata CALL for applications (pdf)
IC - Details and procedures (pdf)
IC - Repertoire for auditions (pdf)
Visualizza profilo dell'istituzione
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