Performance Job

Grafenegg, Austria
Pubb: 18 Oct 2024


Percussion | Grafenegg Academy Orchestra

Artistic Curator & Conductor: Jörg Widmann
Period: 02/07 – 13/07/2025

The Grafenegg Academy provides talented young musicians the opportunity to learn and perform in an inspiring environment alongside acclaimed personalities from the world of classical music. Since its found-
ing in 2021, the Grafenegg Academy has gained international recognition,
inviting top applicants each summer to form a prestigious orchestra.
Through intensive rehearsals, workshops, and diverse concert formats,
the Grafenegg Academy fosters artistic development and reflects the diverse career paths of modern musicians.

Only online via Muvac:

Each position in the Grafenegg Academy is fully funded by Campus Grafenegg and includes:
- Accommodation
- All local transport to and from Vienna
- Subsistence costs / catering during the duration of the Grafenegg Academy
- An additional stiped up to € 850.- for the entire duration of Grafenegg Academy
scadenza: 15 Jan 2025
Più informazioni/How to apply:
APPLICATION: Only online via Muvac
Further details
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