Performance Job

Regno Unito
London, Regno Unito
Pubb: 24 Sep 2024
Black Lives in Music

Black Lives in Music

Recruiting Classical | Workshops & Auditions for Extra Work

In collaboration with six of the UK’s leading orchestras, Black Lives in Music (BLiM) will be holding professional development workshops for brass players in Winter 2024/25. We welcome all brass players from the global majority (musicians from Black, Asian and ethnically traditionally underrepresented groups) to apply. The professional development workshops will include brass sectional rehearsals, orchestral excerpt masterclasses and mock auditions. The aim of these workshops is to equip participants with the necessary skills to achieve success in future orchestral auditions. Participants will have the opportunity to work with musicians from the following orchestras:

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Royal Northern Sinfonia
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

We hope to follow these workshops with extra work auditions for all orchestras involved in Spring 2025.

Working closely with BLiM, our partner orchestras are working towards achieving a diverse and inclusive workforce within their own organisations. It’s important to all of the orchestras involved that their work is relevant to and representative of the communities we live in. We look forward to receiving your application.

All applicants must have completed an undergraduate or postgraduate music degree or equivalent. Current undergraduate students (3rd year and above) will also be considered.

Future auditions will be screened and there will be global majority representation on all audition panels. This is a collective commitment to actively and positively widen
representation within the workforce of the orchestras involved.
Professional development workshops will be held in November/ December with further information to be shared soon.

Auditions taking place in Spring 2025 will be held in London and Liverpool
Deadline – Please complete and submit your application by 5pm, Friday 11th Octobe
scadenza: 11 Oct 2024
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Please complete and submit your application here
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