Performance Job

Vidin, Bulgaria
Pubb: 16 Sep 2024
Vidin Symphonic Orchestra

Vidin Symphonic Orchestra

Second Violin

Contract details:
-880 EUR monthly salary (after taxes), this is the net amount
-150 EUR for rent coveragе
-Yearly bonus
-Food vouchers
-Per-day payments for every concert outside Vidin

Useful information about standart ot living in Vidin
The population of Vidin is 50 000.
Montly basic utility bills (electricity, heating, internet, water) range in total between 30 euro (April to October) and 70 euro (November to March)

Vidin is situated on the Danube river and it is famous with its rich cultural and historical heritage. During the summer Vidin hosts a lot of festivals and the town almost double its population.

Please provide unedited video recorded performance:
-solo piece of your choice; lenght of video - 2 to 5 min.
-two ot three orchestral excerpts of your choice from the strandard set for auditions
Online video links as well as downloadable files are acceptable.
-your CV

Contract includes:
-Salary (above avarage for the region)
-Full medical benefits
-42 days annual paid vacation divided in two parts used together with the whole orchestra

Please, sedn applications to:
scadenza: n/a
Più informazioni/How to apply:
Facebook page
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