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Pubb: 02 Sep 2024
Alina Orchestra Conducting Weekend

Alina Orchestra Conducting Weekend

09 - 10 Nov, 2024

9/ 10 November 2024: Alina Orchestra Conducting Weekend

Applications are invited from conductors (18+) across the UK for an intensive conducting weekend with Alina Orchestra in Milton Keynes.

8 selected participants will take part in this 2-day course, which will be an ideal opportunity to develop conducting skills.

The weekend will focus on key practical issues including stick technique, interpretation, rehearsal and preparation. The course will be led by Alina Orchestra’s Musical Director and renowned conductor, Hilary Davan Wetton, with other professional musicians in support.

This is the first event of its kind for the Orchestra and will take place in two locations in Milton Keynes on 9th and 10th November 2024.

As part of this process, one participant will be invited to conduct a work in the Orchestral concert, which follows the conducting workshop on 10 November at The Stables.

What a fantastic opportunity!
scadenza: 09 Sep 2024
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