
Repubblica Ceca
Prague, Repubblica Ceca
Pubb: 22 Aug 2024
Chamber Music Master Class with members of the Vienna Philharmoni

Chamber Music Master Class with members of the Vienna Philharmoni

20 - 23 Sep, 2024

We are pleased to announce our upcoming International Master Class for Chamber Music – a string quartet, a string quartet and viola, and a string sextet ( 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 violoncellos) under the guidance of members of the Vienna Philharmonic: Prof. Milan Setena (violin), Prof. Martin Kubik (violin), and Edison Pashko (violoncello). The Master Class will take place in the inspiring Academy of Performing Arts, Music and Dance Faculty, located in Lichtenstein Palace. The Master Class is part of the 17th annual Dvorak Prague International Music Festival program.
scadenza: 19 Sep 2024
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