
Campagnatico, Italia
Pubb: 06 Jul 2024
Maremma Musica 2024 - Music Week in Tuscany

Maremma Musica 2024 - Music Week in Tuscany

06 - 13 Oct, 2024

Maremma Musica 2024 Master Course and Festival to be held in Campagnatico, from October 6th to 13th 2024, in the region of Grosseto, Italy.

The program includes Piano, Strings, and Singing Master Courses, Conducting, Piano Ensemble, Chamber Music and Piano Accompaniment.
Course participation includes lodging in Campagnatico during musical activity, three individual lessons visiting all Master classes and performance opportunities during the Festival.

The course is open for highly qualified students and young established musicians in the beginning of their career.

It's possible combine two fields of participation.

Our faculty this October includes:
The swiss renowned pianist Adalbert Roetschi - Piano and Chamber Music
Tobias Wunderli - Conducting
Jason Ponce - Piano Accompaniment
Paula Sanchez - Piano

For further information about the masterclass, fees, application and accomodation, please visit out website.
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