
Ingolstadt, Germania
Pubb: 23 Aug 2024
Composers Competition for Choir and Saxophone Quartet by AUDI

Composers Competition for Choir and Saxophone Quartet by AUDI

23 Aug - 21 Dec, 2024

Composers Competition for Mixed Choir and Saxophone Quartet

Audi Sommerkonzerte in cooperation with Arcis Saxophon Quartett and LauschWerk invite composers of all ages and nationalities to participate in the Composers Competition for Mixed Choir and Saxophone Quartet. The world premieres of the winning pieces will take place on June 21st 2025 during the Audi Sommerkonzerte 2025.

The jury will select three compositions as winners. All three compositions will be performed by Ensemble LauschWerk and the Arcis Saxophon Quartett at the Audi Sommerkonzerte 2025 in Ingolstadt.
The first prize will be awarded 5000 EUR. The second prize will be awarded 3000 EUR. The third prize will consist of a performance.

Entries for the Audi Choir Composition Competition must be received no later than December 21st, 2024, at 09:00 CET.

scadenza: 21 Dec 2024
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