
online, Polonia
Pubb: 17 Aug 2024
21 Days with Pianoroll

21 Days with Pianoroll

24 Aug - 24 Nov, 2024

Join our unique competition, “21 Days with PianoRoll,” starting August 24, 2024, and ending November 24, 2024, on our platform at This is not just another contest, it's a journey to showcase your dedication, creativity, and musical talent. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pianist, this is a fantastic opportunity to push your boundaries and be recognized for your hard work:

1. Create a free account.
2. Click “join challenge”.
3. Upload a MIDI recording of your practicing or playing every day for 21 consecutive days.

What to Record:
Your recordings can be exercises, sight-reading new pieces, polished performances, or improvisations. Ensure all recordings are original and performed by you.

Category I: $1000
Category II: $200 (Instagram Audience Award)

Results Announcement:
Winners will be announced on November 26, 2024, at 6:00 PM UTC on our website and communication channels.
scadenza: n/a
Più informazioni:
Visitare sito web
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