Instrument Volé

Publié: 24 Jun 2012

I found a Gibson in 2007
Stolen: 12 Jun 2007 - Brooklyn, NY
If you lost your Gibson, or know anyone who did -- please send send me a message on Facebook at "Found Your Lost Guitar " or send an email to:
Description de l'instrument:
Well after midnight on a summer night of June 2007 -- a guitar fell out of the back window of a SUV that was headed toward the Williamsburg bridge (Brooklyn,New York). Noone returned to retrieve it. I posted lost and found signs, asked the local bars if anyone called to say they lost their instrument, and contacted the bands whose stickers were on the guitar case. No luck. I've moved twice since and set it in the back of my closet.
I WANT TO RETURN THE INSTRUMENT TO IT'S RIGHTFUL OWNER and hope to be able to do so with your help.
HASHAVAS AVEIDA = "A person who finds a lost item is responsible to take it and safeguard it until the owner claims it. During this time, he is considered a guardian over the object, and is responsible for it as any other item entrusted to him."
Found Your Lost Guitar
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