
Milan, Italie
Publié: 05 May 2024
VI International Annual Course with M° Ennio Nicotra

VI International Annual Course with M° Ennio Nicotra

10 Nov 2024 - 15 Jun 2025

"LAST TWO FREE POSITIONS". VI International annual course "City of Rome". (The V edition, which will end in June '24 with a final concert in Rome, see the participation of students from Canada, France, Italy, Holland, England, Germany, Chile, Mexico, Syria, USA, Russia, Swiss.) Peculiarity of the class is to faithfully follow the teaching tradition of the best conducting school in the world, that of Ilya Musin of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where the greatest contemporary conductors were forged, Gergiev, Temirkanov, Bytchkov, Currentsis and many others.The course -taught by M° ENNIO NICOTRA, student and Assistant of Ilya Musin- is aimed at all those young conductors and musicians who wish to develop and refine their conducting technique, through meticulous and accurate study with the piano duo and the final feedback with the orchestra, exactly as happened in Musin's class. Final concert in Rome.
Date limite: 01 Oct 2024
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