Admin Job

Toronto, ON, Canadá
Pub: 11 Oct 2024
Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Principal Librarian

2,386.57 CAD p/week
Tenure track position

International auditions are scheduled as follows:

Monday January 6, 2025: Application deadline
Monday January 13 to Tuesday January 14, 2025: Examination timeline (sent and returned via email)
Week of April 7, 2025: Final Interviews in Toronto

The 2025/2026 forty-five week season includes a weekly scale fee of $2,386.57. Five of these weeks are paid non-service weeks.

Other benefits: Long-term disability insurance, sick leave, 10% CFM-Musicians Pension Fund of Canada contribution.
fecha límite: 06 Jan 2025
Start date: septiembre 2025
Más información/How to apply:
Click to Apply
Job Description (pdf)
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