Gestohlenes Instrument

Großbritannien (UK)
Großbritannien (UK)
Veröff.: 18 Jun 2019

2015 Violin by Christopher Rowe, Isle of Wight + 2 Finkel Bows

Stolen: 07 May 2019 - Surrey University, Guildford, Thomas Telford Building, GU27XH

The Violin and 2 bows were stolen with the case, which was black with a brown lining, had 4 magnetic silver buttons over the zip and one metal latch in the middle of the zip. Other than the Violin and the 2 Bows, there is a Fiddlerman Light Carbon Shoulder Rest, and possibly some packages of Obligato strings in the scroll’s compartment.
Beschreibung des Instruments:
Full Size, English Violin by Christopher Rowe, Dated 2015, Instrument number - 421, Modelled after Guarnerius + 2 Finkel Bows
James Rozzi
Tel: 07977638304

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