
BERGAMO, Italien
Veröff.: 09 Sep 2024
Annual Violin Course  M° P. Vernikov - S. Makarova - I. Volochine

Annual Violin Course M° P. Vernikov - S. Makarova - I. Volochine

02 Nov 2024 - 29 Jun 2025

From November 2024 to June 20245 (5 stages, 4 lessons each stage) at Accademia Santa Cecilia in Bergamo: four lessons of 45 min are guaranteed each stage, for a total of 20 year lessons. Graduating and graduated students of any age and nationality can participate; the teacher establishes the number of students admitted to the course. M° Vernikov will decide the organization of the lessons planning.The calendar of the stages will be communicated by the Academy following M° Vernikov’s indications. During the year, two public collective lessons will be organized on the occasion of the third and last stage. The most deserving violinists, on the instructions of the teachers, can be included in the concert season of the Academy. Furthermore, thanks to the collaboration with the prestigious Società del Quartetto di Bergamo, the most deserving student, as recommended by the teachers, will perform a concert included in the renowned concert season program 2026.
Bewerbungsschluss: 25 Oct 2024
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