
Großbritannien (UK)
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Veröff.: 05 Sep 2024
CIAC Virtual Autumn 2024

CIAC Virtual Autumn 2024

14 Sep - 15 Dec, 2024

Our next series of virtual courses led by CIAC Artistic Director, Jonathan Mann will focus on large symphonic works connected with programmatic elements.


Elgar, In the South 'Alassio'
Rachmaninov, The Isle of the Dead'
Strauss, Tod und Verklarung
Berlioz, King Lear Overture
Schumann, Manfred Overture

Guest Sessions:
Aural Training and Musicianship - Irina Walters (Purcell School)
The Conductor's Voice: Mastering the Art of Persuasive Presentations - Chris Clark
Bewerbungsschluss: n/a
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