
Köln, Deutschland
Veröff.: 26 Apr 2024
Viertes Köln Klavierzimmer- International Amateur Competition

Viertes Köln Klavierzimmer- International Amateur Competition

28 Aug - 01 Sep, 2024

The “Kölner Klavierzimmer” will take place from 08/28/2024 - 09/01/2024. It is a competition for amateur pianists.
The competition is open to all music lovers of all ages.
In up to 15 minutes, participants can present themselves to the jury with their favorite pieces.
It is especially meant for adult piano lovers, regardless of age.
The primary goal is the shared experience of playing the piano: the Klavierzimmer is designed as a competition, but it is meant to facilitate encounters and inspiring togetherness.

The competition consists of four categories:
Piano solo,
Piano four hands,
Piano Trio

Everyone who does not earn their money making music professionally is welcome, whether to perform live or send in a video.
The competition idea is based on the great need for live music and live performances, which is the reason for a a hybrid concept.
Last year, participants from all five continents took part in the competition.
Bewerbungsschluss: 20 Jul 2024
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