
Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted: 24 Sep 2024
MusiPæd Winter Course

MusiPæd Winter Course

20 - 24 Jan, 2025

The 2025 MusiPæd Winter Course for brass instruments will be held on 20-24 January 2025 at The Royal Danish Academy of Music, in cooperation with Voksenåsen Music Academies.

Be part of a vibrant community of young brass musicians through:

participating in and observing individual masterclasses
group lessons and warm-ups
chamber music coaching
discussions and seminars

As a participant, you will be given opportunities to work with leading performers and educators from Denmark, the Nordic Region, and Europe.

The course is for those who recently graduated, are starting their education the coming year, or who are already studying at university level.

HORN: Jakob Keiding, Maria Rubio Navarro
TRUMPET: Nikolaj Viltoft, Pasi Pirinen
TROMBONE: Jesper Juul, Louise Pollock
TUBA: Jens Bjørn-Larsen

MUSIPÆD is a partnership between Voksenåsen and The Royal Danish Academy of Music, supported by the A.P. Møller og Hustru Chast
Closing date: 20 Oct 2024
More details:
Visit website
Email course

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