
United Kingdom
Windsor, United Kingdom
Posted: 24 Aug 2024
Eton - Orwell Music Award 2025  - Sixth Form Music Scholarship

Eton - Orwell Music Award 2025 - Sixth Form Music Scholarship

01 Sep 2025 - 31 Jul 2026

Orwell Music Award, which is a fully-funded Sixth Form Music Scholarship for a boy from a state school and in need of financial support. It provides access to all the outstanding musical opportunities at Eton, including fully funded instrumental or vocal lessons, masterclasses, orchestras, choirs and tours (plus much more!) as well as a full bursary for school fees.

To apply, boys need to be in Year 11, ambitious musicians and ready to embrace the full experience of a boarding school. The deadline is 15 September
Closing date: 20 Sep 2024
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