Admin Job

United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
Posted: 27 Jun 2024
The Philharmonia

The Philharmonia

Individual Giving Assistant

£22,850 p/year
Deliver an enticing and mission-led Friends Membership, offering meaningful engagement for members at all levels, underpinned by robust and streamlined CRM and data systems and attached to key financial growth goals
 Deliver an enriching calendar of Events and Stewardship for Friends and wider stakeholders;
 Provide administrative support for the Philanthropy Team and Development Director, including diary management and stakeholder liaison
 Manage the day-to-day running of Friends of the Philharmonia Orchestra membership, including communications, benefit delivery, renewals and acknowledgements
 Curate the annual Friends events programme to include a mix of digital, in-person (free) and in- person (paid) events, and co-lead delivery with Development Events Manager
 Create initiatives with the support of the Individual Giving Manager to recruit Friends, donors and patrons from audience members, and encourage year-on-year giving
 Process payments and financial data in Tessitura (Philharmonia’s CRM system)
Closing date: 18 Jul 2024
More details/How to apply:
Philharmonia Orchestra Vacancies Website
Philharmonia Orchestra Individual Giving Assistant Job Description (pdf)
View institution profile
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